Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I just received these new pics of our little Ann-Jolie! 


They call her Si Si, and even though we are naming her Ann-Jolie, if she wants to continue to be called Si Si, that's what we'll do.

I also found out she is HAPPY about having a family :) YAY!!!

I'm so glad they're not shaving her hair! I hope they continue to let it grow (fingers crossed) C'mon guys! It's just a few more months! 
Obviously whoever does the hair trimming does not care about straight lines. ;) That's ok...When she's home, that'll all change.

One more thing...If you're wondering about the cake...

We sent a cake to the orphanage when we got Pre-Approval to adopt her...Apparently they treated it as some sort of bday cake...She's going to turn 7 in October...Go figure...Whatever, as long as she enjoyed the cake and was happy!!

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