Monday, September 30, 2013

Another HUGE milestone!

Something very important has happened...Something that brings us even CLOSER to getting Ann-Jolie!

We received what's called I-800 Approval!

This the approval from the United States that will allow our "adoptee to be classified as an immediate relative"


What's next? You may ask ;)

Why, let me tell you...

When the United States granted us I-800 Approval, they forwarded that approval to the National Visa Center, or NVC

I will then email the NVC to get what's called a GUZ#...

Once I get that number (usually the next day), I will then get a PDF of the NVC's approval emailed to me.

I will forward that PDF to my adoption agency, who, in turn, forwards it to their in-China contact; who, in turn, sends it to the US Consulate in Guangzhou.

There it will stay for 2 weeks...And it will turn into the beloved Article 5 :)

The Article 5 is picked up, and sent to the agency in China that handles all adoption business...

From there, we await Travel Approval!

Once we get Travel Approval.....WE'RE OFF TO CHINA!!!!

So, we are looking at approximately 5 weeks till we receive Travel Approval...Or less!!!

Let's pray the US government gets their act together and doesn't shut down so as to cause us any delays.

We want our baby girl NOW!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful document!!!!! Huge milestone. Only downhill from now...... We are praying for your beautiful precious little girl
